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All posts tagged with "dotnet".

Continuing the journey - decoupling message brokers in C# for next-level application architecture!

Borna Gajić | Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024

Discover the key to flexible code – decoupling schedulers for seamless integration and enhanced maintainability.

Borna Gajić | Friday, Feb 9, 2024

A client request that led to an all-purpose multi-threaded throttling system which uses queues and inter-process communication.

Borna Gajić | Monday, Feb 27, 2023

A deep dive into optimization options using structures, buffers, and other unusual features.

Borna Gajić | Friday, Nov 18, 2022

Investigating a bug in an obfuscation tool provides a good opportunity to take a closer look at dotnet core.

Nathan Chappell | Friday, Sep 16, 2022